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Old 05-25-2011, 08:52 PM
Sienna's GiGi
Super Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Dupont, WA
Posts: 1,063

I had a sewing machine my husband brought five years ago still in the box that I did not know how to use. I went to the LQS in my area and they referred me to a guild that taught me how to sew and the basics of quilting. I didn't have to pay anyone and I've made lifelong friends. Any problems I had with my first few quilts got solved at the LQS. They critiqued my quilts, gave me helpful suggestions and overall supported me in everything I did. I felt so good going home on leave and being greeted like an old friend when I walked through the door. The experiences I have going to my LQS is priceless and for as long as they are in business they will get my business so that is why I go to a quilt store.
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