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Old 05-26-2011, 07:39 AM
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Originally Posted by kellen46
This is for a flying geese unit. I know there are many ways to do this and this is just one more to add to your skill set.
It has an advantage of being made from just three squares to get two units. I made mine from five inch squares but any size will do as long as they are all the same size. I made this into a pdf file as I just could not get the pictures to upload. I am not sure why, as I have not had that problem before. If you just cannot get the PDF to download then pm me and I will send it to you in an e-mail. It is about seven megabites so if you are on slow dial up you will have a long wait. Enjoy.
The "Download" worked fine for me .... and I made a print of it. Really neat .... I have a border to do on a project and going to use this method, for sure. Thanks for posting it. :thumbup:

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