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Old 05-27-2011, 05:11 AM
Rettie V. Grama
Super Member
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 1,152

I truly agree with your comments about a store bought quilt. A thought just came to me. Don't know if this is a stupid idea or not, but might eventually try it. I recently bought a package of polyester batting 120 inches x 120 inches. $21.99 plus taxes plus my time and transportation costs.

So, and this is the stupid idea. Why not make a top from your own pattern, purchase one of those crappy quilts at a store and the fabric for the batting, wouldn't it cost much less and if quilted properly would be ok. Not counting time, the difference could be about $50 less for the store bought quilt versus the batting, etc. method.

Am I thinking out of the top of my head or just plain crazy?
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