Old 05-28-2011, 06:48 PM
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Originally Posted by 2000HD
I know its a huge pain to have your D/C go down. I will try to give some info.
*Reordering a card takes 10-14 days, they have to be ordered, information uploaded, account(s) tied to, imprinted, and and mailed. The inprinting with your name maybe done by a 3rd party so they're "ordered".
*Changing the pin does not change the card tied to an account only your access.
*I've seen transactions from a compromised cards # show up 2+ years later with transactions from Bangkok in the thousands. It took minutes and the electronic fraud system stopped it, but there was a lot of damage done in a short time.
*It is not wise to use it online in my opinion, if you give someone that info you authorize them to do what ever they want to your checking/savings account. They can deny your dispute saying you authorized them and theres laws that protect them.
*You can have more than one D/card tied to an account. If you carry more than one you won't be caught without.
*Most banks have some sort of limit to help the fraud/loss if a card is hit.
*You can have a debit card and an ATM card tied to the same account. That way if your debit card goes down you can still go to an ATM and get some cash.
*I myself do not travel without ATM, debit card,and CC on me. Always have back up so you don't get stuck.
*There are so many things that can happen, lines go down, fraud, weather, machines won't read, plain old where your trying to shop don't support your d/c, hackers, theft from transaction processer companys. The list don't end.
* I know theres no reason for poor customer service, your bank might be spending tons of man-hours researching, disputing transactions, reordering compromised cards and setting up pins. Non of these crappy things are a push one button fix. Theres constant changing, not only the ways these jerks commit the fraud but the constant changing of rules and laws and how this stuff is handled.
*Update your address and phone # so if there is questions about something hitting your d/c they can get a hold of you.
*Balance your account, check your statements, you only have 60 days to dispute a charge.

*Ok I've blathered on long enough.
Have a great night!
Thanks for putting all that information on there. I work for a bank and it is frustrating to see this happen to people. A word of advice - if you are going to be doing any on line purchase open a seperate checking account with a completely different debit card and number. This way if something were to happen in cyberspace they can only access this account and not get to the bulk of your money. When we went on vacation last year we put our money in a seperate account and just took the debit cards attached to that account.
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