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Old 05-30-2011, 11:19 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Montana
Posts: 565

I would love to read your original post. I am trying to make photos permanent on a quilt and Have tried everything I can think of and would like to know how you did it.

Originally Posted by gammieju
Several months ago I showed some photos of a memory quilt I was making for GS and GDIL using their photos and also I gave information on how to make these photos permanent, well I finally finished the top. Haven't quilted it yet, but here are the photos of finished top.The strips are straight but the way I hung it to take the photos of the quilt makes them look crooked. These photos will not WASH OUT EVER. It has taken me a long time to get this far with the quilt because my husband had to have a total hip replacement and had some complications following the surgery. Then school got out and I keep 2 grandchildren (7 & 9). It has been a tough few months am hoping things slow down and I can get the quilt quilted. If I were to redesign this top I would not have made th W under the photos like I did. The S in the L top corner is GDIL first initial and the C in R top corner is GS first initial and the W under the photos is First last name initial. AS a matter of fact there are several things I would change, but I love how the photos turned out.
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