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Old 05-30-2011, 03:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Mo_Chride
I was looking for a fully by hand quilt to work on while waiting for my kids during classes and things and someone on here posted a youtube english paper piecing tutorial for a GFG quilt. It seemed simple enough so I got decided on and got together the fabrics together, got it all prepped and then got card stock and printed out and then cut a bunch of hexes.

I now have one flower fully complete with its pathway, another flower started and almost enough hexes basted to end up with seven flowers complete with pathway.
Quilt Patis by Pati Shambaugh 911 City Park ave. Columbus Ohio 43206 .I am working on 1" hexagons Grandmother flower garden using the quilt patis reusable plastic shapes. Pati has adorable samples to inspire you.
Check out (hand sewing hexagons)

This is a great project carry in small ziploc bag ready to sew..
do a search( hand sewing hexagons) you tube tutorial available
Good luck.
My problem? I am having a hard time with the basting. I find it hard to push/pull the needle through four layers of fabric and two layers of card stock. That's my right hand. My left fingers get "tired" from pinching the fabric and card to baste it.

Any suggestions from anyone or does it just get better with doing it more? Any accessories that I should have? I do have an open endish type thimble but have a hard time with it. Maybe using it would just give me the practice with it to get used to it. I also have what I have always heard called finger condoms that I was told to purchase for some class but I don't remember which one and therefore what their use was.

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