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Old 05-30-2011, 07:20 PM
Sandi S
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 47

Originally Posted by bebe
I love to buy magazines and often buy for only 1 or 2 patterns or a article. As they start accumulating I run out of space. So one day i decided to downsize but could not part with them. So i decided to go through the magazines and tear out the pages of patterns or articles I liked and made my own books. Yes I did tear my magazine apart. :-D :-D :-D Now when i want to find a pattern or article I just thumb through my notebooks much easier and faster. Eventually i will put tabs in so I can see what exactly I have. Worth doing it i recommend it. You need to buy large notebook and clear protector sheets.

I did the same. Even put my bought patterns in sheet
protectors in thier own notebook.
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