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Old 06-01-2011, 07:00 PM
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Originally Posted by meemersmom
My grandmother (who was a very wise woman) always maintained that "it's just as easy to pick up three weeks of dust as it is two". A neighbor (who cleaned almost every day) one day told my grandmother that since she says that often enough, she should put it on a pillow. So, she did!! And, I had it until 1993. Those certainly were words to live by. No, my house isn't dirty, but I suppose it could use a dusting, and the wash might need doing. I have more important (to me) things to do!!
My grandmother who was born in the 1800s said in the 1940s, that she hated these "modern" times with vacuum cleaners and such! It was just too much work!
She said that they used to clean the house well twice a year and otherwise just dusted once a week, and moped the kitchen floor when it needed it!
Yes, she was a quilter - and all of her sisters too!
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