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Old 06-01-2011, 07:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Jazz
Olebat, I surely did not mean to offend you with my observations about price increases at Joann's!

I'm a professional complainer. Anything you need complained about, I'll do it for you for free! :-D
Thanks for the offer Jazz. However, when complaint time comes due, My family says I do quite well on my own. However, when ever I can, I do try to find that silver lining in the clouds. As an advisor to kids from 9 to 19, I try to set an example of positive thinking, and analyze a situation before passing judgment, and choose my words carefully. What I say at my age has a different meaning to current day youth, three and 4 generations my younger. If only I could follow my own advice when things don't go well in adult environments . . .
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