Old 06-03-2011, 09:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Wonnie
Originally Posted by ckcowl
i don't know where you came up with that assumption???
around here i see lots and lots of yellow...
and in our little sewing/quilting group we have one lady who has been actively quilting for over 50 years---according to her- it's not a quilt if it doesn't have at least a piece of yellow somewhere---she really loves yellow in quilts- and makes FABULOUS ONES!
maybe in your neighborhood they do not use yellow???
typed yellow quilts into the search engine- over a hundred pages to look at....
personally- not a yellow person- but have included yellows when they were needed- i'm not quite convinced that every quilt should have a little yellow :)
Perhaps I should have phrased the question differently ....yes, I see a blotch of yellow here and there in quilts but if you look at the quilts overall it's almost never the dominating color. The reason I asked was because I did an old timey Butter and Egg quilt for my daughter, on point, with a white background and a single, repeated, patched block of yellow with small,white polka dots alternating with a white square in which I quilted flowers. The border , also, was white with quilted vine and leaves and it was so stunning it just made me wonder why I didn't see something of that nature in most of my many, many quilt books and magazines is all.
You are right, the combination of yellow and white is wonderful.
Has anyone noticed that yellow is sucessful when it is used with colors as light in hue, or lighter, than it is.

When it is one of a group of pastels, it goes with almost them all.
One interesting combination is yellow, peach and pink!
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