Old 06-04-2011, 03:48 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Broadway, Shenandoah Valley, VA
Posts: 478

I'm making a quilt from my husband's old flanned shirts and pjs. For the backing I'll use a denim dress I don't wear any longer.
When it's finished it will represent my husband and me. Nothing fancy. The size is for him to use comfortably when he's in his relcliner and feels like having a blankie on him!
I've offered to make a scrappy quilt for someone who lost a daughter recently. If she takes me up on it I'll get her clothes and cut them, piece them together. Then Galeen will always be there for Sally and Ed...that's what the quilt will mean to them---their daughter to hold near. Memory quilts are very endearing.
There's a lot to be said for quilts made from someone's clothing, but it's the memory of them that's most important to the receiver. Try to put your heart into it and if you can't quite get the feeling, then somehow you'll be able to kindly refuse her.
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