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Old 06-04-2011, 08:26 AM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 16

Hi my name is janet and I love your quilting, however I would like to know how much you charge for a king size and you could do whatever you wanted and surprise me. I have celeral palsy and quilting of any kind would be aviseable for me as I can not do this kind of work at all, as I do not know when my movement is going to do at anytime but I have made some very pretty nice quilts for people that are needly and at our church also to give to the needly.
I would one just for my husband and I and would like it quilted for our bed. I have never made one just for us, so I thought that I would like to asked you for some prices for this very special quilt that I am in thhe process of making. It will not be anything fancy mine you but nice never the less.
my email is [email protected] please let me know and thank you for your time.
Janet Preimesberger
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