Old 06-04-2011, 10:23 PM
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Originally Posted by ontheriver
The other day was cleaning out guest room closet and came across a blanket that I have no idea where it came from. It is off white, nice and soft. I had a charity quilt top done so I pinned it to the blanket and quilted it with meander stitching. It came out great. I saved by not using fabric for backing and not using batting. It is nice and soft and snuggly. Then the lightbulb came on, Why can't I do this with other quilts, especially with the nicer blankets you can find at yard sales, at least with charity quilts or those I give away to friends and family.
Long ago, when I was a kid, lightweight blankets were used in the center of the quilt sandwich, before they invented all the different kinds of batting we have today.
Thin blankets make a wonderful quilt lining because they are so easy to sew the quilting stitches through.
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