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Old 06-06-2011, 09:25 AM
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I had promised myself that I would work on tracing my images for my stained glass quilting projects for at least 15 minutes a day. Haven't been keeping my promise and have only put in 18 minutes into my current template, which if I had been sticking to my goal I would've had a full hour put into it by now. Last night at work I told myself that I was going to work on it for 30 minutes. Think I did it? No. Instead I watched Blood+ for three hours. My excuse being that I had a bad day at work (management was riding my behind all day and had to box up all the overstock from the new battery mod because the people who did it were too LAZY to do it themselves) and that it was hot in the room so I wasn't about to fire up the light box to trace images (but turning on the Xbox and TV so can watch episodes on Netflix is ok :roll: )
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