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Old 06-08-2011, 11:23 AM
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 42

As a medical professional, I have it also. Wellbutrin 150mg a anit depressant helps. I also take celebrex 200mg at night. A hot tub helps to relax muscles. When someone ticks you off this stress tightens muscles, mine is in the neck back. The muscles will not totally relax. The next agorvation accures bang again, tighten, not much relaxation of the muscle. As a ministers wife, I have found that bidderness, unforgiveness modavates this. So we, our minds stress the muscles. I have found to totally to forgive, and dump the bidderness by never thinking about the wrong that was done to me. Rehassings, keeps it stirred up. If a bad memory starts a thought, pray get out of my mind you stinken think'in leave in Jesus name. Ladyilene
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