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Old 06-09-2011, 06:33 AM
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Originally Posted by applegramma
Rhonda...girl you have so many ideas forming in your head...even as you sleep!!!!! Thanks for the wonderful photo with the simple text...great for all of us!!! Thanks for all you do for us!!! JOB WELL what does today hold for you????????????????

Working on my Doll Quilt for Rie I hope! I have to be in the mood and I sometimes just can't get into it. But I want to get started. I know what I want to do or at least the basic ideas.

I'm also trying to get my house straightened up. I get my almost 6 mo old Colton tomarrow for the weekend and I need to have my messes picked up!! We are pilers both of us and I have to go back and figure out where to store stuff. I hate making those decisions! LOL
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