Old 04-18-2009, 04:56 PM
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 36

Originally Posted by rabbit2b

But then again, I'm a bit mystified by what a longarm quilter can do that wouldn't show up until after the second wash...
Amen! Yes, that has me wondering also... Could the one who wrote the initial statement about the quilts falling apart or whatever happens after being washed twice please explain a little further? And what exactly is so compelling about the second washing??? Are we long armers being accused of using water soluble thread or what??? Or as we touch the quilts with our evil hands and our evil mechanical devices, does something magically cast a spell and after 2 washings, voila!!! Gone??? Is there an ugly, jealous witch in control of the quilt police, egging them on with infuriating statements; ie... Long arm quilters will destroy our craft, they must go, they must not be allowed to continue this...they are undermining our world; they are evil and greedy; we must stop them now!
On a much more serious note... I do believe that long arm quilters have contributed a great deal to the quilt industry, cottage and otherwise, to make it what it is now. How many people, unless retired, unemployed, empty nesters, or those with just an incredible amount of time on their hands for whatever, would be able to complete their quilts in any reasonable amount of time without the aid of long-armers? There are the purists, the hand quilters, and there will always be; I certainly respect and admire their patience and their skills. But let's be honest? If your favorite local quilt shop had to depend on just the hand quilters to purchase fabric and complete their quilts, how many shop owners do you think would remain in business today? (And believe me, not every hand quilted quilt I see is a prize winner by any means!) :D I think the initial expense of a long arm is usually enough to inspire the new owner to be the best that he/she can be to achieve and maintain a good reputation and work ethics.
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