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Old 04-19-2009, 01:13 PM
marty girl
marty girl's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 18

Hi Sharon,
I just finished the last plantinging the garden so now I can sit back quilt and watch them both grow.

I had a plan when I started quilting the Rooster quilt for my grand nephew. It started with celtic spirals in the center and it sort of evolved into echo (sp) the time I got to the outer edges I cursed myself for quilting so much per square inch, because I had to keep to the same density the rest of the way. arrrrgggg!

This is a special quilt because I combined some of my mom's stash with mine to make the quilt. She passed away several years before he was born. I have three lap size tops that she left that just worked out to be the personalities of my niece and two nephews. And two others that I will finish for my son. I have picked out and purchased the fabric to enlarge them . Now each will have a quilt of some of her making. I know she did not plan these for them but it just worked out that way. So in a way I still get to work with her on their quilts.

Thanks for the encouracement!
Do you have some photos posted? What do you like to do?

Thanks and Namaste
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