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Old 06-11-2011, 09:30 AM
Senior Member
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Oregon
Posts: 384

One Halloween when I was working in a quilt shop I dressed as a quiltaholic. I had threads in my hair, orphan patches sewen on my pants and shirt. stips thrown over my shoulder, quilt block designs painted on my face and I made up little flyers to stick out of my pocket for "quiltaholics anomamous" (spelling, yikes). Can't remember what else. All of my customers understood but the little kids that came in wondered, "what is that?"

I sure can identify with everyone here. I am reorganizing my room. My DH can't understand why I am filling up my cabinet first (where I can see the cloth) vs the very nice drawers and storage he bought for me. I will used the storage for the kits, FQ's etc but the big nice pieces I want in the cabinet where I can open the door and see yards and yards all at one. AND I do mean yards and yards!

I have not ever had anyone important to me in prison but I have always thought it would be nice to send some of this left over stuff to a womens prison. I don't know why that sticks in my mind to want to do that other than I have heard some good stories about the female inmates getting a new lease on life with their quilting.

We are a funny group, aren't we, us quiltaholics!
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