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Old 06-12-2011, 06:03 PM
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Location: Vermont
Posts: 133

How true this is. Last year I not only had my husband, but I also had my aged Mother. God took her home last year in May. It was difficult sitting with her 24/7 for the last 15 days. She was a force to be recond with.I miss her dearly and can't help but think she chose to die to ease my burdens. She was 93. My husband was about to go through an entire summer of radiation treatment. She knew exactly what that was going to entail, because she took care of my oldest sister when she went through radiation.
I have had many God things happen in my life in the pat 18 +- months. I am greatful for everyone of them.I am now going to be a Grandma myself for the first time. So, you know I have plenty to sew. Praise be to God!
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