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Old 06-14-2011, 02:27 PM
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Just in case you change your mind about Abby Rose, here are a few thoughts from my sick mind:
Reco = rescue calico
Recal = rescue calico
however, these sound a bit masculine to me

similar to Polly, would be Patte– for pattern, pictured near her

NoCo = not coon

Quefur = curious fur baby
or just Que - Either of you 007 fans?

Sewfe = sewing feline

Sewme = sew meow

BTW - I think it interesting how many Calli's there are out there. I named my tortoise shell that because I didn't like Tortie, or Tart. I have a Tuxi, (yep, a tuxedo), there was Burneese, my Burmese python and Iggy, the iguana. I'm obviously not original at names. Good thing I didn't have children. I probably would have a Chi for child. LOL
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