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Old 06-14-2011, 02:28 PM
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Sacramento CA USA
Posts: 30

Originally Posted by mjsylvstr
When I see Sacramento, it brings back such nice warm memories.

Although it was during WW2 that I lived there as my dad was in the service and stationed in Sacramento. I arrived California while in the third grade and remained there throughout my fourth grade.....when he was transferred to another location and my mother and sister and I returned to NJ.

I can still picture both homes that we lived in during our time fact, they were 980 Third Ave., and 1609 Ninth Ave.
I wonder often if the neighborhoods are still there.

i better got off memory lane and welcome you to the board.....
I know that you will really enjoy it.
I sometimes have to shut down the computer so I can get things done around her.

Have a good weekend.......MaryJane

The summer before we moved there, we spent the summer and lived in a hotel right downtown......
You should use google maps to look at the houses today. Those areas are still there. My dad came to Sac in 1942 while in the army and met my mom and he never went back to Minn.
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