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Old 06-15-2011, 07:00 PM
Grandma Mary
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Michigan
Posts: 757

Originally Posted by deanna.r
Originally Posted by buddy'smom
When I quilt and do it for any length of time my back is killing me, I get up and walk, take brakes, I do alot of PP so I'm always back & forth to the ironing board. And lots of times it's my side as well??
One thing that might help is to get one of those exercise balls and use it instead of a chair. I learned this from my brother-in-law who works all day in an office at a computer. It encourages you to have small movements in your back and strengthens your core muscles (the ones that support your spine).

Get one size larger than would be recommended for excercise to put you at the correct height for sewing, computer, etc.
There are CHAIRS that have the exercise balls in them. They are pricey, but I have a teacher friend who had them in her classroom for students who needed kinetic support, and she also used it herself for her back after a car accident. I tried it one day in my classroom and thought it was very comfortable. Check out this website, and there are many others online too. Be sure to look at the height, as you might have to adjust the height of your sewing machine.
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