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Old 06-16-2011, 02:29 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 108

Originally Posted by jmabby
to put the sewing machine needle through your finger, plus one stitch? Once I put the needle in the up position (after a jerk motion and needle goes down further) I had to cut the thread and take out the thread. Talk about stupid, and hurt.
You brought a giggle to my heart reading this post. When I bought my first Bernina sewing machine (1230) many, many years ago I was as proud as a peacock. I put my machine up on my kitchen table because I just could'nt wait another moment to take her for a spin. Yup, you guessed it, the moment I turned the machine on and placed the foot on I had my foot on the control and sent the needle right through my middle finger nail and it pushed nearly all the way through. It broke even with my finger nail so I ended up in the ER having the piece of needle left removed. And yes, It hurt ! ! ! ! Lesson well learned, I've never had that problem again. Of course, I'm more careful since then too. Thanks for sharing you special moment, it made my day.
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