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Old 06-17-2011, 02:35 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: CA
Posts: 391

Ok, I am addicted to fabric.
I think the real problem started last summer...I was visiting my mother (cross-country). She had some fabric she wanted to give me as she's not sewing much anymore. We found this great seashore panel that surprisingly I also had at home (somewhere). So we thought we'd just go to her wonderful LQS & find some coordinating pieces for the back & borders to share. Somehow, we couldn't find the "right blue", sort of a washed out I told her just look on the internet. She doesn't use a computer, but has access. So I found a great fabric online & she wanted to see MORE. Long story short, she didn't buy any more fabric, but I found some great fabric shops online by themes & ways to search for older fabrics. When I got home, it seems I just had to go look around again. Even when I'm not buying, I love to organize & touch the nice fabrics.
This seems to be like food for me, I could just skip eating, but I just love to see all the colors & designs in fabric. Quilts too...when's the next quilt show?
Anyone going to the Long Beach, CA show at the end of JULY?

BTW, someone posted a great site for crock-cooking, so you can quilt all day instead..."Mennonite girls can cook".
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