Thread: WaMart
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Old 06-20-2011, 01:00 PM
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I kinda have an odd thinking to all this Wal Mart stuff...its my outlook on it.

Supposedly they took away the fabric dept to add more electronics like, cell phones, big TV's etc. Now in my opinion those are one purchase items. Its not likely I will visit that dept again to purchase another TV or cellphone etc.

However, with the fabric dept, you have ladies that may come in to just grab a spool of thread, or zipper, and then they start to look around, and before you know it, they have found some awesome fabric they cannot live without. It is likely that I will return again and again, because I will need thread, zippers, interfacing etc.

I think Wal Mart needs to really examine what makes them money over the long haul. Not what makes them money a couple of times a year (like Christmas, etc). They honestly need someone in the higher ranks that thinks like a woman. Just my 2cents worth : )
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