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Old 06-21-2011, 01:32 PM
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Originally Posted by toomanycats
yes suzee, my brother has told me that all my life! he is also amadexerous (close on the spelling?)and switches in the middle of a letter. He had started out left handed in school and the grade school teacher said it was wrong and used to whack him across the nuckles with a ruler to make him write with his right hand. (this was in the early 50's.) she didn't do that anymore after dad went up there and set her straight.
Had the same problem back in the early thirties. My Dad was a reporter at the time and threatened to put the story in the paper about child abuse in the schools.

I am also ambidextrous but I use my right foot on the pedal. I think cause that's the way I learned. Also have a knee lift so it is easier. Have to try the left to see how it feels.
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