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Old 06-23-2011, 09:08 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 108

Originally Posted by jaciqltznok
Originally Posted by JanTx
I am a "get 'er done" girl! The quicker the better. Put the pedal to the metal and GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

That being said - I've been quilting less than a year so these easy patterns fit my skill level just fine. Someday I hope I grow up to do more intricate things.
you will..that is the ONLY saving grace to those quicky helps the newbies practice their cutting straight and stitching the PERFECT 1/4" seam allowance...but when you are ready to MOVE ON...look out...there is a HUGE variety out there waiting on you to attack!
I think most quilters start with something they can finish. If you enjoy "get er done" quilts, good for you. Quilting is for the fun anyway. I still cut squares and like you just put nine patches together in a hurry, place a pretty border and get it done. So far I love all my quilts but the ones I remember the most are the easiest ones to finisih in the shortest period of time. I get to enjoy the finished product quicker! Do what you enjoy and if you decide to grow up, (and in some ways I hope you don't), and move on to more involved quilts you will enjoy those also. If you decide you like what you are doing, keep doing it. You are the artist and your quilt is your canvas, have fun.
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