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Old 06-23-2011, 10:31 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Lowell, MA
Posts: 14,083

I think of myself as an "eclectic" quilter. I do a lot of 9-patch with snowball blocks for baby quilts, I have many requests from my daughter for baby quilts for her friends, I make lots of table runners and placemats for my church's fair, using some old and more traditional patterns. I make raffle quilts for my church's fair to raise money, one actually made over $1,000 and I was quite thrilled. Right now I'm working on an older, traditional block - Sister's Choice in blues and white as this year's family reunion quilt in memory of my sister who passed away 2 years ago, shortly after the last reunion. I think this is #8 or #9, I've lost count and everyone loves getting a chance to take the quilt home. My family sends fabric (usually I pick a color or colors), I make the quilt, then we raffle it off, but everyone has at least one chance to win the quilt. Last year I did a Dresden Plate in blues from a book by Eleanor Burns and it was beautiful. But my best work (I think) was a quilt I made for my best friend to hang in her log cabin home in Tenn. The middle was an appliqued landscape, feauturing a log cabin, trees, mountains, etc. surrounded by flying geese, then log cabin blocks - she loved it I love batiks and plan to make myself a Boston Commons quilt in batiks, but first I have to make an "Egyptian" quilt for my son and his wife as a late wedding present, wish me luck, it's applique, paper pieced, etc. Should be fun.
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