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Old 06-24-2011, 04:49 AM
Just Me...
Super Member
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Ohio
Posts: 2,077

When I had my shop, there was an 'incident' where a lady brought in a quilt and asked me if I thought she could get any money for a hand-pieced, hand-quilted double wedding ring that her grandmother had made for her mother when she got married. The girls who worked for me nearly had to hold me back to keep me from jumping the counter and taking her out. She had such a prissy, snotty attitude and no appreciation for the time that went into it. I asked her if her daughter would want it...her reply....Quilts are too country for me AND my daughter. They had already given a few of those quilts away to her church. I rescued the quilt and I am sure there is a lady in heaven blessing me.....for saving her quilt. :)
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