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Old 06-27-2011, 09:18 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 124

My husband farmed all his life. I used a similar container for each tractor and truck. In each I put a small note pad and pencil (for "random thoughts", parts numbers, notes regarding types of seed, fertilizer, etc. he was using, a small roll of antacid tablets such as Tums, a couple of foil packets containing Anacin, a roll of Lifesavers, a few band aids along with some wet wipes and alcohol wipes for small accidents, a few sticks of gum, etc. One year I prepared these for Fathers Day for my Drive Inn restaurant customers in small zip lock bags - got some puzzled looks and comments, but later that summer and even yet, we get comments about what a good idea that was!
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