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Old 06-27-2011, 10:29 AM
Junior Member
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Lumberton, TX
Posts: 121

I definitely have stumbled into the right place! Thank you all again for the warm welcome! I am feeling the love! (giggle)

As far as the "hills?"... when I go on my walks, my legs say that would be a yes, lol. I don't have the beautiful huge hills but I have lots of dips and valleys where I am. Lake Sam Rayburn is 3 miles up the road.

I have spent the morning (w/coffee in hand) reading up on navigating the forum. I did learn how to do that signature, so I will see how it looks. I had a hard time choosing font, lol. I am wanting to start a thread, topic, or something titled "Cathedral Window, Join the Journey" but have not figured out where I need to put it just yet. I suppose I need to read some more about the "virtual" threads, too. It would be nice for those of us working on one and those wanting to try it to come together in one place.

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