Thread: migraine
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Old 06-28-2011, 05:13 AM
kdlingenfelter's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 31

I was told by an herbalist to use the essential oil Peppermint. It does work and work very well. Take the bottle and use 1 drop on your finger and rub it on the spot that is pounding (keep away from Eyes fumes very strong) in a few minutes it will feel cold and the pain will go away. This can be repeated as needed. Also works well with stoved thumbs. Relieves a lot of the pain.
What it does is constrict the blood vessels that are pounding.
I use to have migraines that I would slam my head into a cast iron bath tub. I was vomiting and head was pounding. Since I found the peppermint treatment I keep it with me at all times, NOTE Check your blood pressure when you get one, could be it is very high and you need BP medication from your Doctor.
Good luck they are no fun.
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