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Old 06-28-2011, 09:25 AM
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Join Date: May 2011
Location: Colorado, USA
Posts: 558

I try to quilt with a "beginners mind",as a Buddhist would say.
Every project is a new game-even if it is a pattern that I have done before-the choice of block, fabric, size, surface design, etc.

I will try anything as far a technique goes, and frankly the end result is never what I imagined it would be when I started out. Which is part of the attraction: seeing how the idea distills through the process.

I have seen countless wonderful quilts on this board-from first quilts on- and I view each as a conversation between the quilter and the piece and the piece and the rest of us.

I could never make anyone else's quilt-we all add to the dialogue w/ our own unique viewpoint and work, and because of that each and every quilt is a valuable part of the whole.
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