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Old 07-01-2011, 07:18 AM
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 18

My Fairy Quilt Godmother is named UFOzella. And isn't THAT the TRUTH! LOL!!!

When you look at the pattern, the face parts are made in rows... so there can be an infinite number of eyebrows, eyes, noses, lips, and such.

I got the idea that the PARTS you receive are based on how you answered your questionnaire... because there were several lists from which to choose in the questionnaire. (I think there were about 5 choices in each category? I can't remember.)

So 5 choices for eyes,
x (times) 5 choices for eyebrows,
x 5 choices for eyeglasses,
x 5 choices for noses,
x 5 choices for upper lips,
x 5 choices for lower lips and chin,
x 5 choices for whatever-else... LOL... many permutations of the pattern. There are either 9 or 10 SECTIONS that could all be altered slightly.

I need a math genius that can give me the number of permutations based on 9 or 10 sections... I guess we need to find out how many options for each question, too... 5 or 6, perhaps?

Linda (the pattern-maker), made reference to the fact that your Fairy Quilt Godmother might be young or old, too.

Even though I love foundation paper-piecing, I'm going to enlarge mine using the POSTER feature on my printer, so I don't have to bother with the tiny pieces. It will be waaay easier, and then ALL OF HER can be used for a quilt-room throw. That will be fun! The smaller face will be less useful to me.

If you think this is "beyond" your abilities, remember that the parts are pieced together in ROWS. You piece one section, then the next... etc., and then sew the rows together on the lines. Very straightforward, especially if you enlarge the pattern.

From Kathryn Kistner in Texas, who's now saying,
"It's YOUR Fairy Quilt Godmother; make her the size you NEED her to be!
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