Old 07-01-2011, 11:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Little RoO
Hi...firstly I hope you are feeling better. If your knee is really healed then cleaning your room might be really therapeutic but do make sure you really are well enough and that you won't do more damage to it....so take care

I am a bit of a neat freak...can't help it...just am...and what I see in your room is lovely shelf space that is not being utilised...so maybe you could try clearing the shelves and having a sort through, then use one area of the shelves to store folded fabric and use other shelves for books etc.

I tend to initially sort into piles of...keep....charity.. and throw.
Anything that isn't keep take out of the room immediatly and put in piles outside the room....then you just have everything you want to keep left in the room...then sort into fabric, notions, books etc....then away to go.....how I wish you were close...I definatly give you a helping hand...
I agree, I notice you have a lot of small containers holding things. Could you do away with these? I have been putting my little kits into large ziploc bags (not sure if this is quilt police correct) but it works for me. Then I have a tote that houses any kits that I have. If you can take the fabric that is not for a kit out of the little containers and neatly fold them and put them away on your shelves that will help. I love your room though. I don't have one yet but I'm sure mine will be a mess. Yours really isn't all that bad. I do hope you continue to heal from your surgery. If I lived closer I would love to come over and help you. :) Delaware is a little too far of a drive for me though. Keep us updated on your progress though. Maybe that will help you get motivated too. ;)
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