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Old 07-06-2011, 03:11 AM
sobaboo's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Athens,Ohio
Posts: 24

I have decided to purchase new blades and a new mat. Also will be buying some cheap fabric and just cut till I get it right. Did not know about the glove, Will be looking into that also. My Mat is about 5yrs old.And that part about white knuckling it, That is me. I got the cutter out and took a good look at the way I used it. Seems that I put a lot of pressure on it when cutting. Should it be held at an angle? I also seem to want to use it straight up and down? I think I am going to think of it as a Pizza Cutter and see how that goes. lol
A Big THANK YOU goes out to each and everyone of you for your Help and suggestions.
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