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Old 07-06-2011, 05:15 AM
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This is me, too, with the exception I don't go lie down, I just some other web page to get lost at!!

Do you have a smart phone? I just got an iphone, and the app that I am happiest with is called Home Routines.

It's something like Flylady, without her annoying emails.
You have the ability to totally customize it to the things you need/want to do and when, and you earn a gold star for every task you complete!

Simple, really, there is a list of individual items to to, that you KNOW need doing, that you KNOW will usually take no time at all. They just need to get DONE.

So, do them, give yourself a star, and look to see what you might want to do next. There is even a 15 minute timer so you can make yourself plug away till the alarm goes off.

Biggest issue? Remembering to open the app!!
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