Old 07-06-2011, 11:59 AM
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Join Date: May 2011
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My DH was in the Coast Guard -- his eye sight was too bad during Viet Nam so no one else would take him.

I grew up an Army brat. My Dad was in the Army, in Pearl Harbor when it was bombed and the Philippines when McArthur left. He was also in the Korean Conflict.

My Uncle was in the Navy and on the deck for the Japanese surrender on the USS Missouri.

My Mom was an Army Nurse during WWII.

My earliest direct uniformed ancestor fought in the French and Indian Wars. Others fought in the Revolution, War of 1812 and Civil war (relatives on both sides).

One of the biggest tragedies I have seen in my lifetime was the shameful way soldiers returning from Viet Nam were treated. I may not be a young chicken, but I am doing my best to make sure the folks returning from the current conflicts know how much I appreciate their service.
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