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Old 07-07-2011, 07:54 AM
sobaboo's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Athens,Ohio
Posts: 24

Originally Posted by Mousie
Originally Posted by sobaboo
This is a new rotary cutter, Fresh out of the package. Could it be the way I am holding it? How much pressure should be used on it?
Thank you for your help.
I had a new, out of the pkg. name brand rotary with blade to skip.
It did the same thing to me...made me wait a very long time to ever start doing my quilts!!!!
When I finally broke down and bought a new of difference and the "phobia" was vanished! ;-)
Thinking of buying a new cutter all together and a new mat. I just hate to because the items I do own was not cheap.however it looks like if i ever plan to use one that is going to be the restarting point. First I am going to try the glove and if that does not work then I will move on to other solutions.
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