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Old 07-09-2011, 07:19 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Sunny Southern California, actually Riverside
Posts: 414

Originally Posted by cherrio
I made a road to tennessee for shaysmema. took me allll day. first time for that block. I loved this experience; teaching myself new blocks, playing with someone elses fabric, and trying to come up with colors to match that fabric out of my small stash. The biggest problem I've encountered is trying to find a quality black fabric. the fat quarter I purchased was nearly see thru. tossed it in the trash. guess I will have to shop. well, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. smile
Buy black Kona cotton. Price is okay, even good compared to my LQS prices and it is not see through. So far I have bought nothing. I have used only stash but mine is quite big after feeding it for 12 years and inheriting my dear Quilty girlfriends when she went to heaven two years ago.
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