Old 07-09-2011, 06:25 PM
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Originally Posted by gspsplease
Several years ago I bought a walking foot and 1/4 inch seam foot for my Brother 120E (a very basic machine) but both feet sat in the drawer with other gadgets for 2 years until I forced myself to use them. I can't believe how much they simplified my quilting life!!! No longer forcing fabric through the machine -- the walking foot just chugs along dealing with everything -- I love it, and the 1/4inch, but still make mistakes with that. I've just searched ebay for the magnetic seam guide someone mentioned earlier -- might give that a try too.
I have one, I acctually found it in the box of feet for the sewing machine and tried to use it, it bothers me being there so I just try my best for a 1/4 inch seam and remind myself I'm not perfect.

But I realized what else is one of my most used item: Post-it's. If I don't have time to finish sewing my strips together and it's scrappy or something, I stick a post it on it and write the row number. so helpful when you accidentally bump it on the floor, or they somehow get messed up. I just make sure I fold the post it on the inside so it doesn't fall off.
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