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Old 07-10-2011, 02:37 PM
Grandma Peg
Power Poster
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Suring, Wisconsin
Posts: 15,364

Know what you mean. Have been quilting for 12 years and still consider myself a beginner. Have taken a few classes but my quilts will never compare to most quilters. But on the flip side, quilting is such a relaxing time for me (unless it's one of my quilts that just don't cooperate) and even though my quilts are fair they are my fair. Plus when you see how people enjoy them it's so worth it, especially service quilts like Project Linus, for the soldiers, for your church, etc.
Think it is wonderful that you find time to quilt with you being a caregiver for 3 people. You are a wonderful, giving lady. Prayers to you.
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