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Old 07-13-2011, 01:08 AM
tammy cosper
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Oklahoma
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Wow! You are sooooo lucky that they didn't mean to do you harm! Thats pretty brazen to come into your kitchen while you are sleeping. So sad this happened to you. I know it leaves you with a awful feeling. Like being violated. My parents house got robbed several years ago. And I walked into the house and they were gone and right off I noticed my dads den had been torn up. I had my kids and one was a baby still in car seat at thetime with me. I was shocked cause my mom keeps a very tidy house. So I went on through the house calling for them, nothing, but all the rooms were a disaster area. I called my mom where I thought she might be and said, I think you best get home, the house has been broke into. It made all of us feel very violated. I won't ever forget that feeling.
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