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Old 07-14-2011, 08:56 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Jozefow, Poland
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Originally Posted by 1227Granny
But, do any of you actually "go through your stash" before starting a project or just buy more for a project?
Definitely. Since I don't have any fabric stores to speak of, when I want to make a quilt, I pull out all the fabric I have in those colors and decide which to use. I don't have the chance to "go buy more for a special project".

I work exclusively from my stash. I build my stash when I visit the used clothing store or someone visits from the states.

I look at my stash like a pantry. I keep a pantry of items in my kitchen of things I use regularly. I then try to keep it stocked. I do not buy a kilo of sugar of flour each week--I periodically stock up and when I run low, I buy some more. I also do that with chicken, ground beef, etc. Then, I make up my meals from my pantry/kitchen/freezer. Occasionally I will go to the store specifically for one item because I'm in the mood for it, but mostly I decide based on what I have on hand.
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