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Old 07-14-2011, 11:58 AM
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Originally Posted by margie77072
I once belonged to a website called It is a site for those of us who are organized impaired, those of us who just can't get up the energy to do "that thing" and for those of us who have the perfection devil sitting and watching everything we do. That little devil stops us so often from even getting started cause we have to "do it right", "finish it all in one chunk" or "do it like so-and-so".

She advocates the do it for 15 minute rule. If it's something that needs to be done but your heart (energy, etc) is just not in it (like, set a timer for 15 minutes and work the full 15 minutes. When the timer goes off, do something else for awhile. You can return to the "whatever" for another 15 minutes. You can do this as long as needed or until you really are ready to do the "whatever". I know it sounds really weird, but it does work. I use it for housework (I'm disabled and cleaning is a real chore). My mantra is "I can do anything for 15 minutes". Try it and see if it helps you get back in the mood. The first few times, really, stick with the 15 minutes. Then extend your time if you feel like it.
I used to subscribe to Flylady. To this day I still feel better when I clean my kitchen sink!
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