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Old 07-14-2011, 06:49 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Lehigh Valley, PA
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It's not dying in my house!! I started quilting last year when I was 17. When I was little my mom quilted all the time, I used to sew scraps together and try to quilt "just like mommy" on my play sewing machine, I don't know what happened to them though, but she had/has a lot of fabric in boxes. But when her and my dad started a lawncare business, she didn't have time to quilt. There was a period of about 10 years of no quilting, but using quilts in my house.

I was bored last summer and decided that I would make a quilt, and since I had no idea where her sewing machine went when we moved, I pieced it by hand, never again with little pieces, I don't mind big pieces, but little ones are no, but I finished it, it's as big as a pillowcase, but I'm proud of it. But at the end of the month I'll have been quilting for a year (I'm thinking a shopping trip is necessary to celebrate).

Sorry bout the rambling, but I'm not the only one, my school has a crafts class, and they embroider, sew, and make a quilt. Everyone makes the same quilt but with all the different colors, they're so pretty, and I'm told every year that they need to turn people out of the class because there's not enough room. But I honestly hope quilting will carry on. And yes, I have a laptop, iPod, and cell phone, but the phone is only because I can drive.
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