Old 07-15-2011, 05:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Just-Lee
Sorry for the yelling, but I am just sooo discouraged!! I have watched a blue million videos, but still manage to screw things up. How do you figure what your seam allowance should be for binding? I didn't realize you had to do this, as I thought everything was 1/4"...not that my 1/4" is great.

What size of strip do you use when making binding? What allowance do you use when machine sewing? GAHHHHHHH!!!! I feel like Charlie Brown when he lands on his back from missing the football kick! :-/
I just applied my binding yesterday following the Sharon Schamber's school glue method. It works (unbelievably) great. No pins to deal with. Go sparingly with the glue, I have a few places that the glue is showing through. But...no biggie will just take a damp rag when I am finished and remove it. I am quite pleased with this method and it is the only way that I will finish my quilts from now on. She does give the measurements that she uses for her binding but suggests to use what you like. One thing to notice as well in the video is when she says to fold the binding into thirds to mark you seam allowance she says the scant hangover should be on the raw edge...after sewing about a foot I realized the scant edge should be on the folded edge. Also...heed warning to leaving a good 8" tail to attach the two ends of your binding together. It is REALLY important. Ask me how I know...

Here is the link for the tut
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