Thread: dear Jane
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Old 07-16-2011, 01:48 PM
slovard01's Avatar
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho
Posts: 30

I signed up for a block of the month that sent enough fabric to do several square blocks and 2 triangles a month. It lasted for 24 months. I got about 5 months done before going on to something else. The shipments kept coming. Last year after being in the hospital for 3 weeks, I needed a project as a form of mental health therapy, so started on it again. Some days I only did one or two blocks. Some days I did a lot more. I finally got the top put together. I've got the backing but just never get to pin basting the quilt together so I can start quilting it. I will hand quilt this one.

I'm thinking of doing a rainbow jane, or maybe not.
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