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Old 07-17-2011, 01:04 PM
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Originally Posted by RobertaMarie
Why not send a "gift card" from you, for a personal gift of a quilt or whatever you want to make for her. She can redeem it (or not).... I think gifts are just that~~ Gifts. The other is like asking for a "free will donation" of a specific amount. Sort of tacky in my opinion. I may be old and grouchy about this, but at my age, I do not allow others to dictate to me what I can give (or not)... Let your inner voice be your guide. Be happy. :)
Oh, I LOVE that idea for any occasion! Sometimes I think homemade gifts arent well recieved because the recipient doesnt care for the colors (not their favs, or doesnt go w/ their decor), or the design. But, if they can pick what they would like made, esp at a later date when they can digest the meaning of homemade (hand made, crafted, disigned, created especially for -) they understand how much the giver really cares about them. And, even more, maybe a card that says at a later date they can turn the card in for free quilting lessons! sharet
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